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Numeric Pain Rating Scale

 The subject verbally rates current, best, and worst pain intensity within the previous 24 hours on a 0-10 scale.  Scores can be averaged to come up with a single score.

Wong Baker Faces

Pain scale for patients may have impaired brain function or do not understand how to rate pain on a 0-10 scale, but are able to understand the cartoon faces/emotions they represent, and point to the one that "best matches their level of pain

Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD)

Observing the patient's behavior for 5 minutes, the rater scores breathing, vocalizations, facial expressions, body language, and consolability using established descriptors.  The total score ranges from 0-10 points.

MOBID-2 Pain Scale (Mobility and Dementia)

Comprehensive instrument for use in patients with cognitive impairment where pain behaviors (pain noises, facial expression, and defense) are observed and rated during standardized active, guided movements (opening hands, stretching UE and LEs, sitting edge of bed).



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